Showing posts with label - Mantra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - Mantra. Show all posts

11 July 2013

My Mantra

Thank you, Divine Consciousness, for this experience of Life on this wondrous, beautiful planet.

Thank you that underlying this universe of form, All is Well, exactly as its meant to be.

Thank you for the love, abundance, health, inspiration, enthusiasm and grace that flows through this experience of Life.

Thank you for the freedom to do what I love and be fully alive.

Thank you for the fellow beings who share the journey and the chance to share love, laughter, wonder, wisdom, fun and adventure.

Thank you for the chance to play, experiment, explore, discover, hike, photograph, dance, leap ....

Thank you for the chance to break patterns, push boundaries, transcend limits and open to new possibilities.

Thank you for challenges and the chance to be courageous, to learn, to grow and to experience triumph of the spirit.

Thank you for pain and the chance it offers to lift illusions from the mind, open the heart to love, deepen the spirit, and to awaken to Who I Really Am.

Thank you that Who I Really Am can never be threatened, harmed or diminished.

Thank you that Who I Really Am is complete and whole containing everything within for perfect happiness and fulfilment.

Thank you that the temporary human form I take is perfect for the Consciousness I Am to experience what it is here to experience.

Thank you for the greatest gift of all; the gift of this sacred, perfect, priceless moment of Now.

- Free in this moment to be inmost calm and still, resting in the aliveness of the body.

- Free in his moment to let it out, let it be, let it go, let it flow.

- Free in this moment to surrender to life's unfolding and love what is.

- Free in this moment to sense my oneness with all.

- Free in this moment to be a calm, loving and open space for Consciousness to flow into the world ...

… a space for love and connection.

… a space for compassion and kindness.

… a space for peace and stillness

… a space for wonder and delight.

… a space for wisdom and insight.

… a space for inspiration and creativity.

… a space for fun and laughter.

… a space for  abundance and gratitude.

… a space for healing and vitality.

… a space for adventure and aliveness.

… a space to serve Life by sharing the gifts of this form.

… a space for the Consciousness I Am to experience and express through.

… a space space to be free.

… a space space to Be.

I Am ...

I Am ...

I Am ...
