
7 July 2004

Shrek 2 at the cinema, followed by Nandos

We went to watch Shrek 2 on Sunday and absolutely loved it. Definitely recommended. I love Mike Meyer's Scotish accent - I never registered before that Shrek sounds quite a bit like "Fat Bastard" in Austin Powers - which is not suprising since the voice comes from the same guy. I also love John Cleese - so it was a treat.

There's a new animated film coming out soon which looks absolutely brilliant - "Shark Tale" Features Robert de Niro, Will Smith, Renee Zellwegger and Angelina Jolie -how's that for a star studded cast of voices! Made by the same chap who directed Shrek.

After the movie, we went to Nando's and had a great ex-peri-peri-ence. Nothing like South African Portuguese flame grilled chicken in the UK. They're very popular in Cambridge and for good reason. The food is really good - and not expensive either. The food in front of Ally is for both of us - by the way - just in case you think she is a glutton! The corn on the cob is particularly novel here - it's not something the brits usually eat - but very poular nevertheless.

