
8 August 2015

Synchronicity: "Experience field"

 In 2015, I had a deep insight that life is a kind of "experience field" for God.  God is experiencing being each of us.  In other world, I am God within an "experience field" that filters out all knowing except the knowing relevant to being me. This explains why an omnipotent universal mind (God) can have the experience of being a "separate self."  I am not sure where this insight came from.  It was either a kind of cosmic download or inspired by reading "The Mystery Experience" by Tim Freke.  In any case, it felt like a very profound realisation when it arose.  

A few days later, I listened to a random Youtube video about a wildlife park in South Africa. It was kind of an advertisement for the park.  The first thing the narrator said is "Come to our wonderful wildlife reserve. It is an extraordinary "field of experience."  I had never heard this expression said before and have not since.  It felt very significant as if Life was saying to me, "Take note. This insight that life is an experience field for God is highly relevant."

Relevant link

