
19 May 2004

How to capture a moment?

With my beloved Grandfather, 1976

How to capture a moment?
How to capture a moment in a word?
A feeling in a verse?
This moment has snuck upon me:
The emerald green from my window; fresh and crisp
The memory of dear ones now departed
And love expressed in days gone by
A feathered friend on the balcony outside
The sprinkled creations of my beloved at my feet
And unencumbered time to be, just be
Oh to capture this moment
In a word or verse or image
To add to a treasure trove
Of golden moments gone by
But the moment creeps away
As elusive as she came
Just a faint impression remains
But enough to make me smile
Warm in the glow and fortified
Till the next golden moment creeps along

Written:  April 2004


