
10 April 2016

After Millie's party

Dear Graeme,

Thank you so much for inviting me to join your special, special blog. I've been so enjoying the little bits I've looked at just now, and will spend more time soon.

You are a dear man, and I enjoy getting to know you, and our friendship. I love your openness, profundity and joy, among so many other beautiful states and traits I observe and feel around you. I find with you an intense brightness and fineness that is rare. So thank you. Thank you for being you.

Life is good!


Dear Sharon

Thank you for your beautiful, affirming words.

I've so enjoyed getting to know you too. The access you have to the light of your being and the way it radiates through you as joy, love, serenity, physical grace and healing attention is an enormous source of inspiration to me. Also the way you embrace life with such love and live it so deeply.  You are beautiful in so many ways.  I'm very grateful to Life for bringing you into my life and the lives of my dear, dear Eckhart friends.  I know they feel the same way.

I read a couple of quotes the other day that made me think of you because you personify them ...

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.  Hafiz of Shiraz

The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.  Henri J. M. Nouwen

It isn't by getting out of the world that we become enlightened, but by getting into the world…by getting so tuned in that we can ride the waves of our existence and never get tossed because we become the waves.  Ken Kesey

Words are so wonderful aren't they? The way they point to truth.  And the way they create a platform into the chasm of the soul from where we can leap off into its depths where all words fall away.

Life is indeed good,

Dear Graeme,

Thank you, so much, for your deeply touching words, and beautiful quotes.

It is so beautiful to know what you perceive, as I can't really see how this unnameable reality I love and am reflects to others... I just am it, more and more. This is one of the true Graces of another who has the x-ray vision (as Barry sometimes described it) and the ability and will to communicate and reflect it back - helping it go even deeper. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

I am also so very grateful to Life for bringing you into my life, and the other dear Eckhart beings who are each so beautiful. I feel so blessed, and am loving this unfolding of love, wonder and sweetness that is occurring between and within each of us. All so indescribably beautiful! Oh God, this Life is so beautiful! It's sometimes hard to remain conscious within all the beauty... yet I do my best!
How beautifully you describe what occurs as words point to truth and then dissolve as I become that truth.

Yes, Life is so Good!!

