
30 September 2015

Letter to Chrisel on her return to Sydney

Howdi intrepid traveller

Welcome back to Jbg.  I loved the photos you sent through.  The lion cubs were gorgeous and seeing Mount Kilimanjaro like that just made me want to climb it.  So majestic.  I can't wait to see the rest of your photos.

Can't believe your year is coming to an end.  Enjoy your remaining time with your wonderful family.  Sydney is waiting for you with open arms.  Hopefully it will have warmed up a bit by then. It's been the coldest its been in well over a decade!! So cold that Mack regularly refuses to go for walks. Pulls back against the lead and returns up the stairs with his nose in the air. I can't hold it against him though.  He makes a very handy hot water bottle!

Otherwise, everything is great this side. I went to my first photographic meet up today and LOVED it. I nearly didn't go as the outing was a simple walk across the Harbour Bridge and then along the Cahill Expressway, doing street photography, but so glad I did.  So inspiring to be with so many kindred spirits sharing the same passion.  And amazing how much beauty there is in the city when you pay attention, especially in the little details.  I really felt it.

Talking of photos, I've added all the photos from our South Africa trip to the blog now.  Lots of your masterpieces there too as you'll see.  I did it very gradually and it was lovely to go back through it all and relive so many amazing experiences.  To check it out, goto  http://graemex.blogspot.com/search/label/Chrisèl   When you get to the bottom of the page, click "older posts."

I saw such an inspiring 4 minute video the other day that instantly made me think of you.  It could so easily have been about you and your adventurous year in SA.  Check it out if you get a moment, you'll absolutely love it.  https://vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/120206922

I saw the movie Amy last night about Amy Winehouse. I don't think I've ever been so emotionally effected by a movie in my life. Such a brilliant documentary, a work of art in itself. I didn't really know much of her music before - what an extraordinary artist she was. If you don't watch it at the cinema, I can download it for you when its available.

Off to bed to rug up with my hot water bottle :)


