
26 July 2004

Staying at Chateau Kenilworth

We stayed over at Carol and Gus. Gus has recently returned from a trip to South Africa where he did the comrades - a life goal of his.   He has become a passion ultra marathon runner and lapped up the Comrades Course in bronze medal time.  He's written a great article on the race which you can download in PDF format.

Carol is looking extremely good with all her walking and gyming.  She is still looking after "Chuckie" the hedgehog (remember him?)  who is doing very well.  He's three times the size and living in a hutch in the garden until he's mature enough to be set free in the garden. The local hedgehog society is so impressed that they want to give Carol more orphan hedgehogs to raise!!

Gus and I get on very well as we share some similar passions - computers in particular.  He gave me some good tips on how to create an online database - my next goal when it comes to site building.  Over the next couple of months, i aim to  teach myself some sequel and .net.  It'll hold me in good stead for my job and will let me do all kinds of exciting stuff online.

Just before leaving for Cambridge, we met up with Norman and the family for a walk at Kenilworth Castle.  It was great to have so many of the family together.  I had a good chat with Robert, my uncle, and his kids - they're all really nice. They've been here for three weeks and had a very enjoyable 10 days in Ireland. The weather deteriorated towards the end of the walk but we Brits are used to a bit of rain so it didn't dampen the spirits.  Refreshing, actually, after those 40 plus degrees temperatures in the Sinai!!

