
10 July 2004

I won't be tempted!

The New York Times has just brought out its definitive list of the 1000 best movies of all time. Makes the IMDB's Top 250 list look like a picnic. But i shall not be tempted to upgrade my life's ambition to see the New York Times list. After all, I need a life... Maybe my good friend Rory has a point when he said in his email yesterday
"I've seen loads of movies recently (including Troy. Butterfly Effect, Harry Potter (not that impressed), Way too sad... But not nearly as sad as you trying to view the top 250 movies of all time..... (need I say any more ...) (Maybe that is the joy of living in a dark, cold miserable country, you get to see loads of movies to compensate!!! (hhahah)

I'll tell you one thing, though, if this damn weather in the UK doesn't improve soon (still raining today!!), I might be tempted to make an attempt for the NYT list after all!

