
20 July 2004

Design improvements

If you click into other sections of this site, you'll notice it now all looks completely consistent with this page.   I've been learning all about external style sheets which allow you to completely separate design from content.  If I wanted to completely change the design of this site, i could make a couple of tweaks on one page - an it would automatically update the entire site.  Nifty stuff.  The next trick i want to learn is how to set up an online database and some online forms.   Once i've done that, i'm ready to make millions.  Only thing remaining will be to come up with a killer commercial idea.  Mmmmmm.  Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

I am so impressed and appreciate all the time that you have put in. I'm looking forwars to showing the site to Granpa Burger. A - manyu thanks for the photos.
